The Boyfriend- This guy never lets a league game or pickup game of shinny go by without dragging along his girlfriend to watch him re-live his glory days. He doesn’t care if she’s the only person watching the game other than the rink rat. This guy scores his first goal of the game to make it 7-2 and pulls off a celly like he just scored a date with Kate Upton. Known to be very defensive especially when he gets lit up for bringing his girl along, be sure not to step on this hero’s cape or else things could get messy.
The Gladiator- Just like his name suggests this guy comes to play for keeps. He is geared right up. While most other guys are flying around no shoulder pads, visor or mouth guard. He’s out there looking like Robocop. Full shoulder pads, neck guard with a birdcage mouth guard combo just to put the icing on the cake. This guy then thinks it’s a good idea to go out there flying around throwing hits and swinging his stick like he’s trying out for the LA Dodgers.
The Trainer- This guy might be the most underrated guy in the room. He’s the human Swiss army knife, he is prepared for any situation. He’s got a war chest full of tape, stones and extra socks. He always fills the team water bottles and is happy to do it. This guy has a toolbox full of every type of screw or screw driver you could want, this guy would make Mike Holmes proud.
The Bartender- Quite possibly the most important player in all of Beer league this guy always has a couple of bowls of loud mouth soup stashed away and ready to be cracked the second you step off the ice. This guy tends to be the older lad who only plays so that he can get a night away from his wife and have a couple pints with the boys. It takes this guy and hour to get his bucket, jersey and gloves off simply because he’s too busy drinking beer and telling more stories than Mother Goose.
The GM- Finally the man who makes this all possible. The Heart. The Soul. The Lifeblood of every beer league hockey team out there. This guy takes one for the team and does the dirty work. Trying to collect money and organize a team is no simple task and without this guy, beer league wouldn’t be possible. He takes beer league very seriously and he’s out there to take home a ship. He spends weekends drawing up potential lineups and match-ups. He always has matching team colored gloves ,pants and bucket. He’s in it for the real thing.