The game of hockey is one of the greatest sports on earth and we here at GONGSHOW want to help let everyone experience it. We want to break down barriers, we want to give the ability to play and enjoy hockey to as many people as we can. The CWHL aims to give female hockey players the ability to play hockey at the highest level and expose women’s hockey to the masses. The women behind the CWHL deserve all the credit and congratulations for blazing the trail for women’s hockey and allowing young girls everywhere to have role models and a league to look up to. We decided to get more in depth and look at what goes on behind the scenes of the CWHL and women’s hockey.
What we found was a pure love of hockey–nothing more, nothing less. An unfiltered passion for the game and everything that comes along with it. Many of the women playing in the CWHL are there because they love the game, they love being role models for young female hockey players all over the world and in turn they love everything hockey gives back to them. It gives them pride, passion, comraderie, competition and above all it gives them the forging of friendships that will last a lifetime. However what it does not give them is a big paycheck every year, it does not give them a massive sponsorship deal and it does not give them unheralded fame and fortune. For the majority of players and those who work for the league, this is a second job–a means to play out their passion and love for the game of hockey.
For many casual hockey fans women’s hockey is an after thought in comparison to the NHL and men’s hockey. Those same fans often find themselves glued to the TV every 4 years watching the women’s Olympic hockey bid. What many of us have come to realize is that women’s hockey is just as passionate, competitive and intense as men’s hockey. Women’s hockey is providing a great on-ice product and some of the most fierce competition out there. For many of the women that are playing or working for the league they are also working part-time or even full-time jobs on top of this. We can only imagine how well they would do if it was their full time profession, and with the help of the hockey community we can make that a possibly– with the help of the hockey community we can Grow The Game.
If you would like to help support the cause and get your own GONGSHOW CWHL hat please visit where proceeds from the sale of our CWHL hats will go directly back to the league and help grow women’s hockey.
For more information on the CWHL and to support the growth of women’s hockey please visit:
“Visions” by Josh Etheridge, Commercially Licensed.